How to start over have 3 month old tamk and loosing fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 19, 2008
I am new to AA and am excited for oppinions. I have a 55 gal w/ fish crabs and some live rock.

My son got me 2 clown fish for my birthday and didnt quarantine, after 3 weeks showed signes of ich or velvet. I treated with kick ich and Rally for the last week. One of the clowns died today and the other has a dark mark starting on one of the white spots.
Any ideas.

The tank is 3 months old. Should I start over? When can I add new fish?

Thank you in advance for your advice.
If it was ich that killed your clown then you should leave the tank fishless for 6-8 weeks. This will break the life cycle of the ich and ensure that its gone before you add any new fish. A little 10 gal tank is cheap for a QT and will save you a ton of head ache in the future. I did the same thing when i started. Also keep in mind that if the ich medication you used was copper based you cannot add corals to your main tank any more. The copper will get into the LR and substrate and then leech out over time which would kill any coral. Hope your clown pulls through
Ruby Reef?

I used Ruby reef kick-Ich. They said it was safe for corals and invertebrates.

Do I need to remove scarlet crabs also.
The inverts will be fine. It is always best to remove the fish from your main display and treat them in their own tank.
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