Aquarium Advice Apprentice
I plan on moving everything in my aquarium to my empty 20gal, but I don't know how to go about doing it. My main problem is that I'm putting the 20gal where the 10gal currently is. I plan on putting the water from the 10gal into the 20 so its as if I'm performing a 50% water change and I don't shock the fish.I don't currently have all the sand I need for the 20gal as my friend won't be stopping by until late Sunday afternoon to bring some more over for me. Can I set the tank up with the sand I have & add the rest later? I'm worried about the cloudyness that might pop up after I add the new sand.While transferring things over I was planning on putting my fish into a big tub with a filter running off the back. How long can they stay in there?Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.