How to treat piece of driftwood too big to boil

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 12, 2011
Got a piece of driftwood for my tank this past weekend while I was canoeing down the river. It is too big to boil and I was wondering what I should do to make sure it's tank safe. Also there are some spots where the wood is softer. Is that ok or should I try to scrap those parts off so it's only the hard wood.
Will it fit in a 5 gallon pail/bucket? If so, you can boil water in large pans and pour it over the drift wood in the bucket. Keep adding boiling water until the wood is covered.
I don't know if it will fit in a 5 gal bucket but I do have a 35 gal tote that I could use. I might have a smaller one that would be better. I'll have to look
I probably will use the tub. And then leave it in to absorbed water to make it sink once it's cleaned. Do you know if the soft wood that's on it in spots is ok or do I need to clean that off too?
Get one of those storage tubs that's what I use sometimes. Fill it with warm water and let it soak for a day then take it out and power wash it to get the soft pieces off. then put it back in the bucket to soak. Sometimes you have to repeat the process to ensure that there is no soft wood on the piece. After that just keep it in the tub, change the water daily until the water is clear and the piece stays submerged under water with assistance
Thanks for all the help. Unfortunately I don't have a pressure washer so I'll be picking the soft wood off with a screw driver or knife or something. But luckily I did alot of that while sitting around te campfire in the trip.
I have been soaking the driftwood for about 4 or 5 days. It still floats and have to weigh it down in the tub. Also when I take it out there it has a smell to it. Is that ok? Is there a way to fix that or is that piece of wood not good to use

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