i don't know anymore??????

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 27, 2005
I can't figure it out any more my cyno will not go away. I bought an ro/di i keep everything clean i do 15,20% pwc every week. I feed very little. But my po4 levels won't come down its been months and stiil can't get rid of the stuff. I set up my new 10 gal and that got it worse than my 20 gal has it i suck it out every day and the next its back just as thick. I will post my tank perems late tonight. I'm at work right now. I'm just getting so frustrated i don't know what to do to get my tanks looking good again. I don't think my di resin in my ro/di is working its brand new it don't look like other resin i've seen. so i'm going to order some different stuff. do you guys know where i can order some good resin from? Sorry for the long post just had to vent a little. any help would be great thanks guys....
How much actinic light do you have over the tank. Adding more has helped me in the past. Also, increasing water flow helped.
I had to go crazy with powerheads to finally get rid of mine. If you can give it so much flow that it can't grow in sheets anymore, then I think it will eventually die off. I still kept removing as much as possible manually whenever I could also. I've seen here in the forum that some cleaners will eat it, but none of my clean-up crew would ever touch the stuff.
i'm gong to ad two more ph tomorrow and see if that helps. I will also post pics of it tomorrow its really red the whole thing is covered its really bad . my cleanup crew won't touch it either.
airwaterice.com sells good resin...
have you tested you ro/di water for po4? Its possible that there is so much in your tap water that some is passing buy.

How old are your bulbs? Old bulbs shift spectrium and the can help bring on cyno. If you still have po4 in the tank you need to track down the source.. Check ro/di water..

Have you though about adding a phosban reactor to the tank? they work...
Anyone have a pic for a noob, just to know what to look for?
Morgan24, I have been battling the same problem for about a month.

We added a skimmer, got an R/O water filter, added another powerhead, and shortened the lighting period and feed like every two to three days now, but I am still having the same problem...granted its getting lighter and lighter (the algae), it still reoccurs.

We even tried this Phosban bag that goes in your filter...it just created a spike in PO4. I'm kinda at the same spot, so I really understand where you are coming from. We did a 15 gallon water change (we have a 55 gall) last Saturday and are planning another one for this Saturday. It's getting tiring trying to keep up with it....

Just wanted to let ya know someone is in the boat with ya! LOL
not 100% sure on this but maybe try chemi-pure. I believe it helps eliminate PO4
Trust me I had problems similar to your but not to your extent. I found that the water out of my RO with a DI cartrige still had high levels of P04. So I decided to start using some phosphate removign media.

1st I mix my water in a 5gallon bucket. I add the RO water and my salt and I put a bunch of free po4 removing medial (I think it was phosban). I stirr it all up and then let it sit for a day or two with a airstone and heater.

Then I also add the po4 stuff to my HOB filter. Between the two I am able to get my po4 levels very low. Between that nad a turbo snail my tank got 100% better in abotu a 2 week time frame.

Other htings to look at are how long you keep you lights on and many people also say you have to make sure your bulbs are not old. When the bulbs get old the color they create and put into the system changes. As it does it tends to benifit the algaes more than corals.

Jsut ideas for you. Good luck.
I will once again reiterate. Actinic light is in a spectrum the cyano bacteria does not like. I have successful rid some of my tanks in the past of this problem by adding a bulb.
Well, that's good news!!! I just installed my new Orbit lighting system, with a 96-watt actinic light!

actinic light

I agree with michealprater actinic light has helped me rid of cyano bacteria several times in the past.


Jacob - Live Rock N Reef
Use distilled water. I used to fight cyano but ever since I start using distilled water and syphon out the cyano as much as you can before adding distilled water for the very first time. Also I add Phosguard the very same time I use distilled water and it's been almost 3 months now without a single bit of cyano. Try that.
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