Aquarium Advice Freak
I can't figure it out any more my cyno will not go away. I bought an ro/di i keep everything clean i do 15,20% pwc every week. I feed very little. But my po4 levels won't come down its been months and stiil can't get rid of the stuff. I set up my new 10 gal and that got it worse than my 20 gal has it i suck it out every day and the next its back just as thick. I will post my tank perems late tonight. I'm at work right now. I'm just getting so frustrated i don't know what to do to get my tanks looking good again. I don't think my di resin in my ro/di is working its brand new it don't look like other resin i've seen. so i'm going to order some different stuff. do you guys know where i can order some good resin from? Sorry for the long post just had to vent a little. any help would be great thanks guys....