I got a PAIR!!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 1, 2013
New Braunfels Tx
Totally unexpected but I got a breeding pair of angels!! There are eggs all over the side of one the filter lift tubes! That explains the aggression I have been seeing. Two angels have been chasing their tankmates all over the place. I have no place to move the pair two at this time. Getting another tank going will take weeks to cycle. NOW WHAT?
I am assuming you are using a sponge filter correct? I would take the tankmates to the angels out and put them in a different tank then fill a filter bag with gravel from the old tank and put it in the filter for the new tank with all the breeding angel's tank mates. The cycle should finish quickly, you will just have to be careful with the water parameters for a few weeks.

Grats on the eggs tho :)
Man...I didn't expect this. It's 55g planted and I use two marineland 350's for filtration. I really wasn't ready or looking for it.
I would also use as much water from the established tank as you can and put it into the new tank, it should guarantee a quick cycle.
I would also use as much water from the established tank as you can and put it into the new tank, it should guarantee a quick cycle.

The overwhelmingly vast majority of bacteria is found in the filter with the substrate coming in a distant second. The water column is surprisingly devoid of bacteria.
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