I got a recruit lol

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 16, 2006
Ashland KY
hey everyone, well I was able to convince my friend/ boss to join the freshwater world for the first time. and to think he was wanting to buy mice lolso he;'s already purchased a 125 gallon with stand and canopy, its halfway full now becuase we got tired of carrying buckets lol he's all about doing tropical fish, and he already paid cash for one of those jumbo plecos I told ya all abvout, there holding it till the tank is ready though, but the cool thing is I get paid by the hour ( 8 bucks ) to teach and show him how to properly setup and maintain a tank, this could be a lengthy process if ay catch my drift lol
sweet deal! i always thought it be sweet to get paid to take care of fish

unfortunately, you CAN get paid for that, just not enough to live off of :(

I woulda done it for free... but hey... i would take the money for it.
I've found Bolivians to be a lot more shy than GBR's. The GBR's I've owned have been very adventurous and quite outgoing. Bolivians are curious, but seem to be much more reserved. Whenever I'm near the tank, the Bolivians peek to see what I'm doing, while my GBR's would come out and watch what I was doing. They would even nip at my hand if they didn't like what I was doing.
Sweet deal.. however; from now on, any advice given to you by any memeber on this forum will come with a fee. Since you're being payed, we want money too! lol :p
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