I have a 28 gallons fish tank fresh water

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 22, 2012
I got my fish tank from a friend and I have 10 fishes but I dont know if I need to do the cicle
was the tank already running? if so how long? the best way to tell is to check the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate regularly. To do this the most recommended test kit is the API master test kit. you should be able to pick that up at any pet store that sells fish, although it is cheaper to order it online. I recommend reading this post and reading up on the links that are mentioned there.
I would not think so because if i remember right the minimum for an angel is 20 gal and 10 for each additional angel. but I might be wrong. Ive never had pandas so others will have to chime in about that.
what all came with the tank? what kind of filter do you have? have you tested your water?
it should be sufficient if you do not add any more fish. was the insides included?
Yea I have plants but I dont know if I can clean it I have 2 weeks with the tank
no I meant the inside of the filter, the filter media. when i got mine i just got the housing! pretty lame lol
If you dont have a way to test the water, I would recommend changing out 50% of the water every few days, at least.
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