I have a green algae problem

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Well then, other than the running only two bulbs, I would test your phosphate levels and see if they are at 0. They should be about 1-1.5 for a planted tank. You can try nerite snails, from what I know, they are one of the only ones who will touch GSA. You'll need quite a few of them for a 150gal, though, and I'm not sure if they can handle discus temps. You'll have to check on that. Check aquabid you might be able to find them on there.

Also, what is your reason for 3 water changes a week? Is that necessary for discus?
I do that many wc because I have a lot of fish in the tank and yes Discus require alot of WC some people do 50% daily lol
Yeah, that's what I figured. I've heard breeders do 100% water changes daily... Looks like I'll never be breeding discus... Haha :)

You may want to consider downgrading your lighting to a 2 bulb fixture. I really don't think your plant list requires the amount of light you have now, and it might just keep causing you problems. It's much harder to balance out a high light tank, especially doing that many water changes.
I hear u I will never breed them either to much work ok maybe I will change out my purple bulb for a white one or blue maybe
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