I need help identifying hitch hiker

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 25, 2021
Today i noticed several little snails in my tank that mustve come on board with the java fern i bought. I put the plant in isolation and hopefully got all the little ones out of the tank. But before i decide to kill them/keep them id like to know what they are. Black body brown shell from what i can tell


  • 16404799585154364497645351633007.jpg
    151.8 KB · Views: 26
It’s hard to tell from the photo, but this looks a lot like a pond snail. I’ve dealt with these a lot in my own aquariums and know from experience that these are a headache today deal with. Good idea to remove the plant from the aquarium. I hope that not too many made their way into your tank so that you don’t end up with a snail infestation like I did. In the future, I’d recommend treating any new live plants for snails and other aquatic pests before adding them to your aquarium.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reply with any questions/comments!
Thanks and yea i pulled the plant replaced my gravel boiled my driftwood and am now starting over with new cycle of my tank i think i got rid of them all but only time will tell. I noticed them all when they were all pindot sized. And yea i skipped over treating my java fern (wont do that again) thanks for the info
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