I need help....seriously!!

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Hi All,

I really need help. I just got back into the hobby a few months ago. Through the help of AA I have a beautiful planted 15 gal tall with 6 Tiger Barbs, 2 mollies, and 1 Raphael Catfish.

Now I found a great deal on Craigslist for a 50 gal with a wood stand, hood, and filter for $100 2 blocks away! I am buying it Saturday.

I was just interested how people deal with this "addiction," because that is how I feel. I already have plans to try and venture into a small nano S/W tank. If my landlord comes up here I am a goner..LOL

The original plan was to replace my current setup with the 50 gal but now I want to keep both and go for a different setup with the 50, maybe cichlid.

You all have any stories about your MTS problem. I feel like I am the only one.
I can't stop, this is crazy!! I visit the LFS once a week !!
I was just interested how people deal with this "addiction," because that is how I feel
I just keep buying more tanks! I have 3 tanks atm a 55g, 29g, and 10g. I am gathering up parts to start another 55g (which I found in the classifieds of the newspaper). I recently came up with the idea to setup a 38g my aunt gave me. I am also going to redo my 10g and make it heavily planted. So I have lots of ideas...feeding my MTS. I am a college student who works part time, so I don't have alot of money to spend. I am buying something for the new 55g every pay check....its sad. I have bills to pay though, one being a car payment...so I do what I can.

I also live at home. After I set the 29g up (my 3rd tank), my parents said no more. Then my aunt gave me the 38g and I was going to set it up. Well I saw the other 55g in the paper for a good deal...and jumped on it. I was going to wait on the 38g, but now my opaline gourami is being a bully, so I'm gonna set up that tank for him and some new tankmates.

And my parents haven't stopped me yet...so I'll have my own private Aquarium downstairs! I'll have to start charging an entrance fee.

So yes, I have MTS and I just keep feeding into it.

Good luck with your addiction!

And go for the cichlids! I love yellow labs...one day I plan to have me a 55g cichlid tank.
Mike, you need to speak with Dr. Ivanna Fishtanque. She is an expert on MTS. She'll have you cured in no time. This is of course after you enroll in her 10 step plan.

I was fine until I joined AA...at least I thought I was. I had no room for my second tank, I really didn't...until I noticed that I could shove the original tank against the entertainment unit. :)
there no cure, i have a 10, 20 and 35,, im trying to get a 55 size and trying cichlids, but livin at home the rents are on my case, but if the right deal comes around ill pick up the tanka nd have it filled with water before they know it and then they cant move it....damn, i have MTS....
I just got back into the hobby after some years away in January. I started with 1 30gal tank.

I now have 1-30gal, 2-10gal, 1-7gal, 1-5.5gal, 1-1gal, and I just picked up a 29gal this past weekend.

Yes, I went from 1 tank to 7 tanks in 5 months!

Now I have a case of MFS (Multiple Filter Syndrome). Picked up a cheap Fluval 304 filter from eBay earlier today. So now I have a filter with no tank to run it on. I guess tank #8 is not too far behind... :D
Yes, Yes, Yes. Keep it coming, I am starting to feel better but I want to hear more of peoples experinces. You know it is funny, I used to make fun of people that chatted online and now AA is like my secomd family, I swear. My girl hates it!! She says I am paying more attention to AA than her(not true, or is it?)
I use to have mts not as bad as some people but never the less still had it. My solution to the problem was to buy a stupidly huge tank to replace them all. Alass though that uber tank is gone and now just have one 70 gal not even set up yet. Oh well after this next move might just sell it and get another ridiculous tank. At least if worse comes to worse and I cant set up the big tank for a while I can just fill it with water, heaters and a bunch of ph's and use it for a jacuzi. hehehe
Mike - My husband is jealous of the fish and my time on AA also LOL. Today I came home with THREE bettas .... and I'm still trying to convince him that it would be exceptionally great to set up the 2 20Gs that he found in the attic. (He's not convinced LOL). The "problem" is that no matter what we have there is always something else that would be "cool" - a different fish, a different set-up ..... too many options ! And once you have that first tank set up and running then really, what's the big deal of a second ? and then a third ????
You're normal - don't be scared !
I know, I know. It is a healthy addiction though...I think! I have been out of the hobby for about 5 years. Now that I am back in I can't stop. Although I am getting the 50 gal Saturday I have to keep the 15 gal because I got really attached to my Tiger Barbs and I want to use the 50 for fish that get bigger. Now all these things run through my head...wouldn't a cichlid only be cool, a Tiger Barb only, an Oscar only, Brackish tank, S/W reef!!!!!!!HELP.
Mike, Mike, Mike - you already know the answer .... you'll need to find room for 5 or 6 more tanks ! LOL
I'm thinking of putting a piggy bank on my desk and putting my spare change into it each day and limiting myself to spending ONLY whats in that bank ... its the only thing I can think of to curb the "illness" ROFL
As we are conversating I was looking at my tank and I noticed tons of little dots on the glass and on my plants. When I looked at my filter I can clearly see it's brown algae. How the heck did I get so much so quick??
Could just be spot algae - happens all the time and yep, its QUICK. That's why they sell all those nifty scrubber pads on sticks and scrapers and such !
I had not one speck of algae until I raised my lights to 1.5wgp ... now its all over my glass and the 12 (yes TWELVE) mystery snails don't even keep up with it anymore.
Hmmm... I am going to check craigs list now for another tank... never thought of that.
I keep seeing tanks for sale and must stop myself from buying them. Right now, I'm limiting myself to my 25-gal and 6-gal - but I do have an empty 10-gal and 6-gal sitting around.

I just keep thinking about how more tanks will be a pain-in-the-a** when I (1) move and (2) go away on trips. That's what keeps me from buying more tanks or filling the empties I have.


Yup, it only gets worse. Ain't it great!!!!! :D Now imagine your significant other feels as you do. LOL And then I see the pic lonewolfblue won the june photo contest with. I love those rosaline sharks!!!!!!! Actually a barb, but one that grows to 6 inches. Which means that in addition to plans for the SA dwarf cichlid tank, the BIG Malawi setup, the 30 changed over to mollies for my g/f, Bruce's 10 gal kingdom, ...... I need to think about a 55 gal community tank to showcase half a dozen of the 'little' dears. Can you say addictive personality?? LOL
when I...(2) go away on trips

That's what I use to keep me from getting more tanks...my planted 55 is a lot of work (high light), and although i have an automatic feeder for the fish, I can't yet figure out an "automatic" feeder for the plants.....other than my boyfriend, anyway! My tank can't go more than 2-3 days without dosing, or I'll have an algae forest!

I already have three planted tanks, a 55 and a 2.5 at home, and a 5.5 on my desk at work (my boss was impressed....she didin't believe the plants were real!)....plus I just bought a big rubbermaid tub to put outside as a "pond" for a cool floating plant that outgrew my 55 gal....not sure what I'm gonna do when the winter comes....
well as far as the landlord issue goes, get some insurance! we have a no pets clause in our lease, too, but when i informed my landlord that my renter's insurance (or homeowner's... whatever) would cover anything bad that could potentially happen, he was more than happy to evcourage my mts! not to mention insurance is never a bad idea anyway...
Guess what everybody....I just realized today that there are 5 Fridays in June. You guys know what that means right? I have an extra $200 to spend on my new tank. The 55 on Craigslist is scrapped and I am going to all the LFS's tommorow to try and find something new for about $300-350. Anybody got any suggestions, I am so confused because there is so much to choose from. All I know is that it has to be a black stand and hood!
I have to say your addiction is one definately needing help. I on the other hand am not addicted. :roll: :crazyeyes:

Of course everyone knows that already. LOL

Now I wait for the wrath of Dr. Phishtank.
Hey One more Question...The one I have my eye on that will be the ONLY one is a 55g with a black wood stand and hood. The guy at the LFS that knows me told me he would give it to me for $249. I really want to get it but my only concern is that I live on the 5th floor in a condo building. I was fine with the original 29G I had planned but I know how that will go...2 months later, Upgrade Time.

So, what do you guys think about the weight of a 55 with sand/water/driftwood....on the 5th floor? Should I get the 29G or you think it will be fine.

I was told that a 55G full would be like 2 1/2 full grown men standing side by side. That doesn't sound bad to me? I really need you guys on this one because my 15 is not cutting it and I am planning on buying one in the am.
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