I need ideas for catproofing my tanks

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 31, 2003
Seattle, Washington
This whole tank setup was secondhand and given to me for free. It's not ideal. I HATE the filter, the heater's good, the hood/lighting sucks. The lid is broken and cracked and I need a setup that allows me a lot better lighting so I'm going to build a setup myself and hopefully replace or at least add a second filter soon enough. But for now.... What are some good ideas to cat proof the tank?

You can see in this pic that there's about an inch of space between the water output and the hood.
There's also space around the heater. Noah, the evil bastard cat kept knocking the top of the filter box too. Plus, the hood lid falls off/in sometimes.

Evil mom - Sophie, the stray who started it all :p

Evil son #1 Russia (with his evil doggy pal)

Evil son #2 - Noah

We just moved and the tanks are temoporarily on the floor on top of their elegant cinder block and 2x8 stands so they're really accesible to the pets.
Filter cover - a little piece of duct tape would work. Wouldn't be pretty, but neither are cinder blocks. :lol:

Heater - Same deal. Cover the hole.

You can also take the duct tape, cut it into little squares, and stick it to the bottom of the cat's feet. It will drive itself nuts shaking it's paws it won't even think about the fish. Or you could train your dog proper to eat cats. :lol:
Duct tape is the first thing I thought of too, but... nevermind if my father hears me bad-talk duct tape I'll be kicked out of the family so I'd better shush, heh

I put scotch tape on thier paws like once a year and torture them four about 2 mins. It takes me that long to stop laughing enough that I can move or think, lol.

And the cats OWN the dog :p
How about this...Get a new dog???

I was actually going to get a new dog (miniture beagle) if we weren't moving into my father in laws house temporarily until our new house is empty.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. Oh yeah, I've got a miniture poodle I inherited in a relative's divorce. He was untrained and 6 years old. Let me tell you, the first six months, he's lucky I'm patient. Now he's better. Not good, mind you, but better. Hard to train a 6 year old dog.
My dog is tough to train because she was a stray and when I got her at a no-kill shelter at 5 months. She's had a problem with submissive piddling so you have to be really careful when you tell her "no" or make her feel that she's done something wrong in any way.

She does get jealous of the cats, because she was here before those 3 were, but she'd never hurt them. In fact she cleaned them ever so delicately ever since they were 2 days old. She plays rough with the cats, and they play back, but she doesn't really hurt them. She's a great dog.
Holly I loved the pics of the cats and the evil side kick canine..Oh I love a fat ol cat..lol..Also like how you have your tanks up off the floor. good ideal.
Nice pics

I seen clear duct tape at W.M.. 8O

You can rule the world with duct tape.. :fadein:
The duct tape is a good idea. for holding the hood on i would recommend buying some quick clamps at your local hardware store. I have two of the little rodents (AKA cats) only one tries to get in the tanks the other is to old to care. Cute dog by the way. I'd be very interested in what you learn on this subject. Good Luck
Allivymar said:
You named your dog after a fish! I love it *snicker*

I did not name the dog after a fish! I would never name my dog Molly, lol. You know I'm so embarrassed with my name being Holly, then my dog named Molly. Now all I need is a collie named Polly. :roll:

Every time I tell somebody my dog's name I explain that the dog came with the name and I felt too guilty to take it away from her since it's all she had. God, what a freakin sap I am. I really want to change her name but she's 3 years old now :(
Glass hoods are the best way to go to keep cats out IMHO, also great for keeping suicidal fish in. :)

I have glass hoods on, or have glass hoods ready to put on all my tanks. Their great, Save evaporation, keep critters out, look really nice, ect ect.

and not to bad as far as price goes. :)
preciousmoments, what exactly are quick clamps? Or do you have a pic of what your setup looks like?

And as for glass, it can't cover the whole tank because of the water uptake/output and heater so how does that work?
They have a plastic strip on the very back end that you trim to fit tight around any plumbing coming through. ;)
If you want, I could snap some pics of my hoods to show you?

I can do that since I found my digicam, at last!
You did a really good job of cutting the plastic as little as necessary. That would be perfect for this tank. Where's the best place to buy a glass top canopy? It seems like it should be quite inexpensive. Thanks, William :)
I got mine at PetSmart, 10 dollars for the 10gal tank lids, I believe it was 13 for my 29gal lid.

And thanks, I have escape artists so I had to be very tight.
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