I need some help with my discus tank

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I don't recommend that. Using ammo chips will starve the BB of their only source of food, thus destroying the work you've put towards your cycle.
There is to much conflicting ideas and things in this hobby lol . It's so hard to know what's right and what's not.
I know, and there is a chance I'm wrong... but if you remove the ammo from the water consistently like that, there's nothing for the nitrifying bacteria to eat... that's why people recommend water changes and patience for situations like this, rather than doing that. however, if it gets to be an emergency and a water change won't get it under .5, then ammo chips or ammo neutralizer of some sort could be a part-term solution.
I didn't mean that to be just towards you. I was speaking generally . Hope you didn't take it like that
I didn't take it that way. =] But believe me, I understand. Sometimes it even gets heated. But I think that it's still a great place to learn, and make informed decisions.
Rosenweiss said:
I know, and there is a chance I'm wrong... but if you remove the ammo from the water consistently like that, there's nothing for the nitrifying bacteria to eat... that's why people recommend water changes and patience for situations like this, rather than doing that. however, if it gets to be an emergency and a water change won't get it under .5, then ammo chips or ammo neutralizer of some sort could be a part-term solution.

I agree patience is key and don't stress to much. My discus have handled plenty
Yea it's been 2 months with high ammo but the fish have been fine. I not really too worried about them I'm kinda just out of ideas at this point so that's y I started this post
That's so weird... I dunno what to tell you, are you sure you're doing the test right? Also, is your test kit old?
Nope API liquid and just bought more ammo test 2 weeks ago . The guy I work with has had fish way longer then I had he told me to do 5 gallons a day so I did that for 2 months. Then I told him I did 2 50 percents and it didn't change and he is stumped as well
That's odd. If you do a 50% and test immediately after, you should have half the ammonia. The only thing I can see is that you're getting a false reading based on the ammo in your water that the prime neutralizes...
Bio gold in the am omega one flakes and a cube of various frozen foods after work. I used to do 2 cubes but I cut back to one when this trouble started
I've stopped the frozen foods except for treats every once and awhile. Discus don't do to well cleaning up everything they didn't eat. I was suggested new life spectrum therapy a. My discus love it. And unless you do gravel vac everyday u will have that frozen food on the bottom. Wat kind of clean up crew do you have with your discus.
No clean up crew just me . And I always check for leftovers but I never see any . And since I was doing daily 5 gallon wc I was hit the spot where I put the food with the vac
Maybe try every other day with the frozen food. And 5g isnt much. I change 30% daily in my 125.
Plus not just the frozen foods but the waste the discus produce doesn't help. Try getting some small catfish and algae eaters. I even added snails. Now I rarely clean the sides of my tank but I still do a gravel vac every other day in the entire tank.
I'm not going to put plecos or algae eaters and run the risk of the discus getting sucked on to death. I haven't scraped algae in months on their tank and there isn't one spot on my tank.also adding fish when I have high ammo probably won't help out at all. But the snails might help what kind are they
Mystery snails. I have two plecos in my tank and I haven't had any problems yet. I actually have several different fish in with them and they do great. Most people say to put a britlenose pleco with discus is best.
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