i put the phone in the water

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the leather is closed cause the clowns ate hosting for the first time i will take more pics of diff stuff later i have to go help repair a pool
I love em, Dive check out the stealthcams EPIC sportscam, its got a 100% sealed water proof container. I take my in tank shots with it.
Those are pretty cool. So what kind of phone is it and is it water proof?
Its called a boulder by casio from verizon wireless its millitary approved shock and water resistant for 30 minutes after that moister starts gettin in lol
My buddy has the same phone. He threw it in my girlfriends parents pool in the shallow end. Be careful it is only water proof to a certain depth. He learned the hard way. Also if you bang it while underwater it does not do to great. We put the phone through a beating. However you can take the screen out and clear any water from the inside. Pretty nice.
Nice looking pics! Love the first one!:D

The boulder is a seriously awesome phone, my brother has the older one and my sister's boyfreind has the new one. We've put both through one heck of a beating without any damage. Threw it across a dorm room, stuck it in a glass of water for an hour. And just to say, they hurt really bad when you get hit by them.;)
lol oh yea its tough alright i dont think i will put it in my tank to often tho lol it may be water resistant but my pockets are not
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