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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 18, 2013
I was thinking on doing a species tank but with all Midas species . What would be some suggestion on male too female ratio or if possible to do like 2-3 pairs? And as well which gender of Midas and Red Devils are the most aggressive ?
I was thinking on doing a species tank but with all Midas species . What would be some suggestion on male too female ratio or if possible to do like 2-3 pairs? And as well which gender of Midas and Red Devils are the most aggressive ?

Not a good idea at all with the more aggressive new world cichlids... unless u got a HUGE tank or pond, it's never a good idea to have more than 1 pair of fish in a tank, even more so for Midas/Red Devils. Males are generally considered more aggressive but with them it doesn't really matter all that much, they'll all grow to be extremely aggressive once they mature. If you're wanting to keep a species only tank, definitely look elsewhere.
I pair could work in 6ft tank as long as you watch the aggression and don't let it get out of hand. Keeping more than 1 pair would need 400 + gallons. Even then it might not work. Mi-devils can be nice one day and a demon the next.
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