Ich! ** Need some help!**

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 6, 2014
Ick! ** Need some help!**

Hey guys i have ich in my 55 gallon tank.
Stock is 1 Large oscar (7 inches)
1 pleco (2-3 inchs)
1 striped catfish (4 inches)

I used super ich cure for 2 days it doesn't seem to be helping much
Water temp is above 81 and i turned my filter off. I don't have much left and don't get paid to the end of the week so what can i do to murder this stuff before it kills my prized possession fish.

I was thinking about doing a 100% water change and putting near boiling hot water on all the gravel and decoration and washing the tank good. would that help or should i remove the gravel till the ich is gone so the free swimmer have no where to hide or what? im pretty stuck need some help!

i have some salt if that helps at all.
1. place heater to 86 degrees Fahrenheit and leave it there for two weeks. 2. Aerate. 3. You can do partial water changes of about 50% and vacuum the gravel to get the ICH cysts. No need to do a 100% water change. Meds are pretty much useless IMO, the HEAT will kill the ICH.


I would leave it at that temperature until 2 weeks after the last sign of ich goes away though.
1. place heater to 86 degrees Fahrenheit and leave it there for two weeks. 2. Aerate. 3. You can do partial water changes of about 50% and vacuum the gravel to get the ICH cysts. No need to do a 100% water change. Meds are pretty much useless IMO, the HEAT will kill the ICH.

I would leave it at that temperature until 2 weeks after the last sign of ich goes away though.

Thanks guys, and this type of temp will not harm my fish? Not to sound stupid or anything but im new too treating any diseases and never have had my tank over 81. :ermm:
The heat stresses them a bit, but I always use the heat method. The meds are pretty much useless and I've heard that they kill beneficial bacteria. So, I'd go with the HEAT.
The meds are not useless and they do not kill the bacteria. Meds are a perfectly effective method of treatment, if you don't mind risking staining your silicon and possibly decor with a blue hue. Quick cure is the best I think. But not better than plain old heat. Removing the cysts with water changes is pretty redundant because the swimmers will all die from the heat. You can just let the heat take care of it.
The heat stresses them a bit, but I always use the heat method. The meds are pretty much useless and I've heard that they kill beneficial bacteria. So, I'd go with the HEAT.

So is it okay to run my big filter again? cus the sponge filter isn't doing enough i believe... Idk tbh this whole thing is stressing me out because i love my Oscar and its beyond sad to see him lay at the bottom of the tank with closed fins stressed out beyond belief.
The meds are not useless and they do not kill the bacteria. Meds are a perfectly effective method of treatment, if you don't mind risking staining your silicon and possibly decor with a blue hue. Quick cure is the best I think.
So the api isnt any good? it seems to have removed it from my catfish but its still horrible on my oscar.
He should Be OK. You need to kill the ICH. It will eventually kill the fish. Make sure you aerate. I'm still not a fan of meds.

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He should Be OK. You need to kill the ICH. It will eventually kill the fish. Make sure you aerate. I'm still not a fan of meds.

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I have a 3 inch airstone and a sponge filter going is that enough air? or should i run my big marieland filter too?
So the api isnt any good? it seems to have removed it from my catfish but its still horrible on my oscar.

Just because one thing may be the best doesn't mean that everything else is bad. I've never used the API though, and have not paid enough attention to what people say about it. However, they've all pretty much got the same active ingredients - there's only a couple.

I'm still not a fan of meds

You don't have to like them, but don't tell people they're useless. Unnecessary? Absolutely agreed. Meds are generally not needed for ich.
Nah. No need to add any more. The carbon in your filter will absorb it.

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The green tint is from the meds. That stuff stains the tank silicone and all ornaments and does no better job than just heat; hence, it is useless.
By that same logic one could argue that heat is useless. There are pros and cons to everything. Naming a couple of cons and declaring your dislike of them doesn't make them useless.
Yes i put some in last night... will the temp effect it?

Ich is stressful, as are the heat treatment and meds. I think both is more stressful than it needs to be. Meds do suggest bumping up the temp to the low 80s to speed up the life cycle. But if you are going to take it all the way up to 86+, the meds are redundant.
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