Ich question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 30, 2006
Seattle-ish, WA
Just a sanity check here, but if a fish has ich, I can expect a specific white spot to suddenly disappear in 4-5 days... but at most within 7 days. Right? The spots won't fade, correct?

Just curious because I've got a O.Clown that developed three white spots, which appear somewhat raised, on Tuesday. The spots are about the size of what you'd see with ich. However, yesterday the spots seemed to be fading, and are not well defined at the edges. I've seen ick before on other fish, and the "dusted with salt" description is perfect - very distinct edges, raised surface. From my understanding, as the parasite matures, it will get larger, and eventually drop from the fish - usually at night. It does NOT "fade" away, right?

I'm getting geared up to do a hypo on all my stock and let the main go fallow, but before I "pull the trigger" I kind of wanted to see some other sign that this is ich. So far, no one else has it, no one is flashing, all are eating normally, etc. With the spot seeming to fade, I'm now wondering if it just isn't possibly some healing from abrasions he might've got chasing around the new chromis I just put in 10 days ago. (They were quarantined for 4 weeks, as were all the other fish in the main.) Or perhaps he got a little too close to the bubble coral at night when it's tentacles were out. I'm pretty sure he was tagged by my platygyra a couple months ago, but that spot was black, wasn't raised, and went away after a few days.

Curious to hear from folks that have unfortunately seen the whole life cycle!
Typically, the ich will host the fish, burrowing under their scales and feed off the fish's body fluid. Once they are done. they fall off and become cysts. These cysts hatch (I have read) anywhere from200-1000 tomites, that search for a host. They can live about 48 hours without a host and then will die. If they find a host, the cycle will continue. If your spots aren't falling off (most times at night while the fish is sleeping) then we might look at other things.
I think I might've just over reacted. Two of the three white spots have now faded away. They just gradually got less and less white until they disappeared. And the larger white spot seems to be fading away also. All these articles (thanks for the links!) reaffirm the other stuff I've read that says this stuff doesn't "fade" away. They just plain drop off and you suddenly think you're rid of it all.

I'm still keeping an eye on everyone like a hawk, and if I see any abnormal things on any of the other fish, then it's off to the QT for all of them! But for now, I'm thinking Nemo maybe just got banged up a little from chasing around chromises - showing who was top dog - and that's what I was seeing. Time will tell...

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