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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 28, 2004
One of new fish has ich, I'm going to put him in quarantine and treat him.

1) Any advice on the best ich medicine?

I have rid ich for my freshwater, but I havn't had any sick fish in probably a year or two so I don't know the best medicine that is out there anymore. I think I also have some copper medicine.

2) It is an angel, and I heard copper can hurt flame angels....is that true with all angels?

3) I have never done a freshwater dip before.....should I do that before quarantine? And if so....I just get some R/O water, make the temp the same as the main, and the PH, and put him in there for 5 min?
Ok, I just got home from work......so I posted my message before I looked at him and he doesn't have and spots. Last night he had 2 or 3 little white spots. Is it possible for fish to fight off ich? Or maybe I'm overly paranoid and didn't see spots. It could be the life cycle of the ich....
Don't make the same mistake I did, set up a quarantine now and quarantine all new fish arrivals. I thought my luck was so great when I finished cycling my tank and added a larger powder blue tang, 2 occ. clowns, 2 banggai cardinals, and a coral beauty. All the fish were doing fantastic, that is until I added this yellow longnose butterfly that appeared healthy at my LFS. Needless to say he got a severe case of ich. By the time I set up my 30 gallon QT, I had lost my powder blue and the rest of my fish died in qt since I was not able to properly cycle my QT. I have since left my tank fallow for 6 weeks and have started over using a 30 gallon qt. I have now built a new community filled with completely different fish from before (maybe I subconsciously dd that not to bring back old memories). I also added a UV sterilizer in my main which has helped to keep my tank disease free. I now quarantine all new arrivals to protect the fish in my main tank. For instance, I got a Naso tang 2 weeks ago and I am very glad I didn't just throw him in the main. I had to struggle to get him to eat the first few days and he had a very mild case of ich. I was able to medicate him very easily with Cupramine in my qt since I had no lr or inverts there. A few days later, all the spots cleared up and his appetite has grown. He is now a pig and has a big appetite and I am just waiting it out a while longer beofre I put him in my main. If I had just added him to my main, I would have probably infected every fish in my tank with ich. That story was just to let you know the importance of QTing all new fish arrivals. I lost well over $200 in fish because of my stupidity, so I hope you can learn as I have learned.

My first advice to you is to be on the lookout and see if more spots appear. If no spots reappear, just let things be. If spots reappear, I would QT all of the fish in your tank and treat them all with cupramine since they were in contact with the parasitic fish. Cupramine is a much more gentile medication than ionic copper sulfate so I wouldn't worry about the angel. I have treated my tang with Cupramine with good results and tangs are supposed to be extremely sensitive to copper. A pH adjusted freshwater dip (adjusted with baking soda) and possibly with the addition of methelyne blue could be helpful, but it is not necessary. Just make sure to use as much tank water as possible in your QT and to remove all chemical filtration if you medicate the QT. Hope this helps.
i hear copper kills all fish...only medicine i've ever bought was for finrot,
now i just use salt. i believe it works just as well in small doses, daily
I know I`ve wrote this before that I believe in what you said about the UV, Chill.
But others have blasted me for that position but opinions are like armpits, we all have two of them and they both stink. UV`s are a great addition to combat ich and prevent also. Not the only answer but one of many reasons. Check for reasons of stress. QT is a very good option for your new fish. I`ve never used one in 8 years I`ve had my tank but you can`t argue with other peoples success. Good Luck
If you can get the fish into qt, cupramine is well tolerated by most fish. You do need to remove all the fish to qt for treatment and leave the display tank fishless for at least 6 weeks to allow the parasite to die off before reintroducing any of them.
i used exodin......
worked within 2 days
coral safe too...just dosed it in main tank no probs
Sorry but I would not use exodine or any other thing for that matter except for Cupramine or hypo.

Ich is an invert. if the medicine like exodine is not strong enough to kill inverts then it's not going to kill ich. Either it will kill your inverts or its not strong enough to kill ich.

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