ick and flex

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 6, 2004
North Carolina
I had a ird shark that broke out with ick and then flex and then past away. I still have an little oscar in my tank, i treated for ick about 6 days and then had to switch to Marclyn I & II because the oscar had fin rot... i did a 5 day treatment and then a 50% water change and redose the tank for another 5 day treatment. Just got home it's 8:00 pm Est and fixing to do a water change... I do not see any ick on the little fellow, but i was wondering if i should treat the tank for a few more days for ick or do you think it's safe to add fish. It's just very expensive to treat a 55 gal tank. my QT is already holding my other fish that i was going to add. Thanks for any advice.

I would definitely wait on adding fish. After treating for illness the fish are stressed and things need to get back to normal and remain stable for several weeks before the addition of new fish. New fish = stress and possible illness (hopefully dealt with in QT) so better safe than sorry. Err on the side of caution, I always say!

What are you using to treat for ich, and how long has it been since you actually saw ich spots on the fish?
i used rid-ick, I would say about 10 days ago for ick, once i started to treat for fin rot. I have not seen anything on the oscar or plec since then... the oscar still has some torn fins, but they are improving everyday.. i would say about 3-5 days his left one will be back to normal. TankGirl, the reason i ask..is i have 3 tanks.. the 55 gal is the one that has the one oscar, i purchased another oscar and red devil, then i took them home and put in the 10 gal qt and all chaso broke out in the 55 gal. so the oscar and devil has been in the 10 gal for about 3 wks. My other tank is a 20 gal and has goldfish in it... so they are starting to fight a little....

thanks for the quick response.
[center:bf54ad8fec] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, megabyte366! :n00b: [/center:bf54ad8fec]

so the oscar and devil has been in the 10 gal for about 3 wks.
Hmmmmm, if it were me, I would put the two in the 55 and the recovering oscar in the 10.

What are your tank parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, temp and pH)?
My fish just had Ick and they got it about this time last year because i dont have a heater. Last year i used QuickCure and it took like 5-6 days, this year i used Aquari SOL and its gone in 3 days. The QuickCure make my sealent Blue and killed my 2 pictus cats, 1 juli corydora, my pelco and my needle nose gar! The Aquari SOL has not killed any of my fish. I think the biggest cause of Ick is feeder goldfish and not tempature.
I think the biggest cause of Ick is feeder goldfish and not tempature.
Feeder goldfish may bring the ich in, but if your fish are stressed (i.e. the water is too cold), they too will have ich.

A little personal stroy from last month~
My 10 gal hex with rams and Badis had been doing well for months and then I realized the female ram had ich. Believe me--these fish do not eat feeders. I turned up the heat and the next day noticed my tank was below normal. My heater had broke :x I bought a new heater, treated with heat and salt and all the fish survived.

Atl4life~If you are using feeders, you should raise your own. This will eliminate the threat of disease into your tank. In addition, go pick up a heater!!
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