ick gaurd

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 18, 2012
I got this stuff called ick gaurd made by Jungle, is it safe to put in my tank if one of my fish had or still may have the ick?
Please give us more info, such as how old the tank is, is it cycled, what fish do you have in it, how long ago did you notice ich in your tank....

Most importantly, what are your readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
I think it's almost done cycling I've had it since Christmas. The fish that has it is a black Molly the other fish seem to be fine and healthy. The nitrite is stressed the Ph is low the ammonia is OK. I've been doing a lot of water changes and I don't have a heater that I change it's a constant water heater. Well it's a dirt tank. :fish1:
Numbers? I have strips that tell me if it's high or low. I have guppies in there a couple shrimp, a pit bull plecostamas, 2 other fish red something, not exactly sure what there called and 2 assassin snails
Ok, the strips are really useless, they're totally inaccurate. See if you can pick up an API master kit (liquid). Until then, take a sample to your lfs to have them test it for you. Make sure they give you exact numbers. Only then can we completely help you.
The funny thing is, they use the same strips I use at the PETCO I go to. But I'll see what I can do about getting a test kit. Maybe I'll go to wet pets
Thank you, I ended up getting one from petco. Its a master tester that cost me 32 bucks. Lol
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