Ick guard harming my fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 20, 2011
I have a 5 gallon tank with a commet goldfish, and had a lace catfish(I'm fully aware that a 5 gallon tank is not nearly large enough for either one of my fish alone, but seeing as they were both about 2 inches, I figured it would be ok for now, and I planned on getting a larger tank when they got bigger. I'm also aware that they shouldn't be housed together due to one being tropical and the other being a cold water fish.). My lace catfish ended up having ick from the store, though symptoms didn't show till a week later. Once I noticed it I went and got some ick guard and started doing the appropriate dosages. The box said use half the ammount for scaleless or sensitive fish.

I separated my Catfish from the main tank and my Goldy, put half the dosage in his holding tank, and put a full dosage in the main tank to kill off protazoa left in the tank and to prevent my golfish from getting ick too. I noticed that soon after using the ick guard my goldfish seemed very irriated. I wasn't sure if it was the ick starting to attack him, or the medication. But then I noticed that the skin/scales on both of my fish began to basically molt. Like the skin was being eaten away by the chemicals from the ick guard.

My catfish passed, and now my full attention is on my beloved Goldy. He's doing a bit better now, but I feel like the ick guard is what caused him to get ill and killed my catfish. I did a water change today to delute whatever chemicals may be left in the tank from yesterdays treatment and I've stopped any additional treatments. I want to know why the ick guard had such a negative affect on the fish themselves and if I should take any precationairy messures to help my goldfish recover or should I go back to taking care of him like normal and wait till he recovers 100%? I'm not entirely sure my tank is clear from protazoa either. Advice and help would be greatly appreciated.
Okay, the "molt" like condition looks like fuzz covering the body, and it only started when I used the ick guard. Explination, please?
I discovered that he has velvet, and I believe my catfish had developed it too due to the stress from the chemical ick guard treatment. I'm not touching that crap again, but I did get some pimafix and my Goldy should be good within a week. Would u still like to see a picture of him?
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