ICK Help!!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 11, 2004
I have ICK!! I have read many confusing views on ICK, I have a soon to be reef tank, I have LR and Inverts including a Bubble tip aenome. I have no corals but do have several fish in the 75gal I have a powder Blue Tang that wasn't looking too good, so I Hospitalized him, and an treating him with Cupramine in a 20gal QT.

The thing is this... I have read if the fish are healthy, they should be OK through the ick, also the cleaner shrimp will help to remove the parasites.

I have 1 Powder Blue, 2 Clowns, 1 Hippo, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Coral Beauty
so I think QT all these in a 20gal is not feasible.

Is there a product I can use in the Main tank?????????????

LFS said to QT the Powder, and watch the rest, and see how it goes???

I would quarintine him for a while with no live rock in the quarantine because without inverts and live rock,you can treat with a stronger medication.The medication that I use is CFX Parasite Terminator and it works fine.It would not be my suggestion to medicate in your main tank.
Is there a product I can use in the Main tank?????????????

Not safely, and without disrupting the stable balance of your system. All fish need to be removed and treated (spots or no spots) with copper or hyposalinity, during that time the display is left fishless for 5-6 weeks which kills the parasite. See this for ich treatments, they have done much research on this subject: http://www.petsforum.com/personal/trevor-jones/marineich.html


Read that website and do a search of this forum (upper right of this page) for ich. There is a wealth of information here.
Liquid vitamins and garlic with their food should boost their immune response. Not a sure fire cure, and no good if the fish is too far gone.
How old is your tank? I'm concerned about 2 tangs in a 75g, possibly new tank. And an anenome, which is recommended for well established tanks. How's your water quality?

Maybe the LFS's advice is worth a try, but you gotta watch closely for further outbreaks, check out the recommended information, and be ready to react quickly with a plan of action. Try the garlic foods too. Good luck!
The thing is this... I have read if the fish are healthy, they should be OK through the ick, also the cleaner shrimp will help to remove the parasites.

From what I've read, that's the idea. Also, it seems ick is always present to some degree and stress can cause it to erupt.
Well, It's been a few days, I have the Powder Blue in QT being traeted with Cupramine. Seems to be doing well, Looks Much better!! The other fish seem to be doing fine, a few white spots here and there, they keep making trips to the Shrimp station...
Well, the problem is, unless you can get it out of the main, when you return him he will get reinfected. The parasite will continue to go through its life cycle and return in even larger numbers.
The 6 week fishless period is the only way to go. Without fish hosts present, the parasites will cycle out and die.
I would suggest reading the article that srgetz gave you the link to. Unfortunately short cuts are highly ineffective with SW parasites.
Ya know I think I may be paranoid, I looked at this link and the picture of the fish with Ich doesn't look like anything like mine.. My fish you can Barely see the white spots, it looks like white dust and the spots ?? come and go all day... IS THIS JUST SEDIMENT?? I wish my digital camera was working :( ....
Do some research of oodinium/marine velvet. It's usually described as a white dusting. I had it once and thought it was sand sticking to my fish.

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