ID fish?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 24, 2009
Issaquah, Washington
This is a friend of mine's fish. It was sold to her as a loach LOL. Can someone please help ID it? The pic is pretty blurry, but you get the idea.
Thanks! :D
If you can get a better pic that would help tremedously. Can't really see the finnage or details of the fish's shape in this one. I will say though, it doesn't look like a loach from the outline of the body, however that's not to say it isn't one.
I can't get a better pic because it's not my fish lol. Are there a lot of fish that are black with moon blue spots?
I would say, no there's not. But to ease the search it would be good to have a starting point to search for. There is a loach that has the spots, however it's underside isnt striped like that ones.
it almost looks like my initial thought in the pm... duboisi cichlid. but then again, its so hard to make out because i cant see good in the picture.
Ok, she said that the people who sold it to her said that the spots would turn into stripes as he got older.
Ok, well I just looked at pics of the dubosi, and I think you guys might be right! WHooo! I will show her pics, and ask.
Thanks a heap! :)
I could have guessed that. Too bad i wasent on. What idiot sells a duboisi cichlid as a loach, lol.
You crazies. But I knew you would know the cichlids. :)

And I guess people in Ireland think loaches are cichlids lol. (That's where she's from)
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