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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 17, 2013
Can someone tell me what exactly this is? Probably a hybrid of some sort but I picked a couple up at my local shop and their tank was labeled "parrots".



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Looks like a blood parrot cichlid to me. It is a hybrid, but a pretty common one. A quick google search should help you learn more about them. :)
To me looks like his face looks more like a blood parrot than a severum to me...

Could be wrong, though. Also thought it made more sense since the tank was labeled parrots.
Sorry for the delay! Still got them though, here's a few more pics...





Pretty sure at this point they r blood parrot cichlid hybrids... Like a cross between a convict and a blood parrot or something like that, I did my research... I appreciate all of the feedback!
Definitely not a kissing gourami. Looks too tall to be one.

I can't seem to decide whether I think it's a severum or a parrot. Kinda looks like a cross between one... lol. Has more of the body of a severum, but the mouth of a parrot.
Short bodied pink Amatitlania nigrofasciata, well sort of. They are hybrids, basically a pink convict and a blood parrot crossed...aka jelly bean parrot.
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