If one fish had ich, will they all??

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 30, 2012
North Kansas City
I recently purchased a Rubber lip pleco from a Local pet store and I noticed little white spots on it after I put him in my tank. I took him out the next day to quarantine and treat him, but unfortunatly he didnt make it. Should I be concerned that my Goldfish might have ich? Is it something that shows up immediatley or can it show up over time? It has been about 4 days since the pleco was removed and the other fish still have no spots...
Thanks for your help Elise. By the way, I tried using API Super Ick cure on the sick pleco. He died within a few hours of being in the treated water. I am not sure, but I think the medicine was too strong for him.
It definitely could have been. The stress if the move, the ich and the harsh meds was too much for him. So you know you can cure ich on tropical fish with just heat and ich on goldfish (no other fish in tank) with a .3% salt solution.

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