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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 21, 2012
I have a 30 gallon tank with the following fish

2 bolivian rams
3 cherry barbs
Bronze Cories
3 brick swordtails
5 sarpae tetras

I woke up to a dead clown Pleco and a dead cherry barb and a dead Cory them later another dead cherry barb . Yesterday my female swordtail died from what I think is columnaria

I have no clue what to do I bought some aquarium salt but I don't know how to use it.

I'm ready to give up
What are the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate levels? How long has the tank been running? What symptoms do the fish have that you think it's columnaris? It might be but if it is it needs to be treated with specific antibiotics.
I plan on getting a master test kit soon I don't have one anymore
Tanks been up for more than two weeks
I thought it was columnaria because of the fin fitting and a whitish patch spreading over her
Temps tires around 82- 78 degrees 5 live plants in there also
Top fin 30 power filter
I feed mostly API sinking pellets sometimes flakes and every once in awhile cichlids crumbles
I started with the rams and swordtails then got everyone else
I'll post test results( water parameters) ASAP
In a new tank with that many fish I'd suspect toxin poisoning. It could also be an infection of some kind due to stress and water conditions. Do any of the other fish have the white patches?

I'd get a second filter as well. These links might help:
I just learned about cycling but I already have fish. What now?! - Aquarium Advice
Guide to Starting a Freshwater Aquarium - Aquarium Advice

I'd start with a water test first, then do a 50% water change with dechlorinator and substrate cleaning. Read the links above and test water daily and do water changes when ammonia and/or nitrite are over .25 (which, in an uncycled fully stocked tank, will be daily).

If other fish have white patches, you might want to try an antibiotic such as kanamycin, minocycline, or metronizadole. Before you treat though I'd try to find out exactly what it is they have to be sure you're treating for the right thing.
So the tank wasn't cycled before adding all those fish? If not they could easily be dying from either ammonia and or nitrite poisoning. You need to get some readings fast, can you take a sample to a fish store to be tested? I also suggest doing a 50% WC. Are you doing WC's since the tank has been set up?
Did you read the article? You need to be testing your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate daily and do a 50% WC whenever your ammonia or nitrite are above .25. The fish are dying because they can't handle the levels of ammonia/nitrite.

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