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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 6, 2009
Hi, AA - my name is Aqua-Man, aka Dave - and I am a fishaholic. :wave:
I'm retired now and I'm enjoying this hobby more and more all the time. I was 'into' fish 40 years ago and have gotten back in now that I'm retired. A long dry stretch there :)

I have a 30 gallon FW setup with some black skirts, black line rasboras, black neons, platys, pearl gouramis, female betta, kribensis, corydoras', red eye tetras, and serpae tetras. They are a great community and have all lived peacefully together for over a year now. I'm also just starting up a 10 gallon guppy tank.
Here's my 30g FW tank.



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    30 g FW.jpg
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