In the beginning...*Update* 9/20/06

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 4, 2004
New York, NY (The Big Apple)
Here is a photojournal of the 75 gal amazon jungle. I started with 1wpg and no ferts. A couple of java ferns started me rolling toward where it is today:

A year ago...too much wood. The java ferns are the only live plants in the tank.

During the summer, added an micro sword and some anacharis and a few crypts (the jungle is taking shape:

December 2005 - Additional plants added include: L. repens, jungle vals, hornwort and some clippings of various other plants:

January 2006 - I upgraded from NO to 110w CF. The difference in the lighting is great. Added a huge amazon sword as well. At this point, I found I needed to dose potassium:

Today - All of the hornwort and anacharis is removed (couldn't keep up with the pruning). At this point, I also began dosing nitrogen. I'm still experimenting with growing various plants so a true aquascape is yet to be considered:
Wow Bill that is great that you gave the before and after shots! Looks so much better with the growth and the new lighting. I can totally relate to the hornwort issue, learning that one first hand!
Your tank looks alot bigger than 75 gallons. I would have guessed 125. Very nice, thanks for the photojournal.
Looking good Bill. I would let the giant Val grow. If it starts getting too dense you can thin it out. You might also try adding some rocks or low driftwood on the right side, and moving the plants in the foreground closer to the front.
BrianNY said:
Looking good Bill. I would let the giant Val grow. If it starts getting too dense you can thin it out.

In the 6 months that I've had them, I've split them 4 times. In pic #3, you can see the full grown Val creating a canopy on the left. :D
I like watching the progression of your tank in those pictures. It's funny how quickly your tank can go from "I don't believe anything is growing" to "I can't believe how fast it is growing". If you look closely it is also a journal of your Ram growing up. The piece of driftwood in the center has some character. What kind of wood is it? It must be a pretty good sized chunk.
Zezmo said:
If you look closely it is also a journal of your Ram growing up.

Wow, a combo journal! I totally missed it. :D

Zezmo said:
The piece of driftwood in the center has some character. What kind of wood is it? It must be a pretty good sized chunk.

I have no idea. I saw it advertised online when I was beginning the tank and looking around for some nice wood pieces. I removed a ton of it, but that one was just what I needed for a centerpiece (note how it was moved from the left to the center).

That original Java Fern has been a very successful plant as it has given "birth" to so many additional plants. I now have two large clumps from that original:


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I'm now trying something completely different. I want to create an L. repens "forest" in the tank so, over the weekend, I trimmed all of the L. repens into 3" plants and grouped them together. I also did some additional pruning and the tank looks different again:


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Looks great Bill. Everything has grow in so well. I'm still learning how to get them to grow and be so lush. Hopefully in a year my tank will look as healthy.
BlazerFRS said:
Plants look so good I can almost forgive you for the blue gravel.

What blue gravel? :wink:

Zagz said:
I'm still learning how to get them to grow and be so lush. Hopefully in a year my tank will look as healthy.

You are on your way...patience and coming in here to ask questions goes a long way...believe me, I'm proof of that. :D
Much improved. I'm thinking 4wpg and pressurized CO2 can't be far off.
Nice tank. Are you using any CO2? I have the same size tank and am considering going from 40 watt NO to 130 watts of CFL. But I don't want to get into CO2 just yet. My only fear is having a massive algea bloom without the CO2. The plants I have are similar to what you have jungle val,corckskrew val., java moss,anubis nana and anacharis. They are gowing ok but I know they could be so much better.
*Haven't checked on my own thread in quite some time*

No, CO2 had not been used...up until now, which is why I'm here. I now have a complete mess on my hands. Due to abject ignorance/laziness (feel free to choose), I am now in the throes of a medium BBA outbreak. To add to the frustration, I have come to the conclusion that I am a "Species collector". To wit, I've allowed the sunset hygro to take over the tank.

Now that my priorities are straightened out, I will be utilizing a dosing method to rid the tank of the BBA. I will be dosing a combo of Excel, CSM+B solution beginning today. In the meantime, take a look at the mess I've created.

I'm open to suggestions - Oh, there is a bacopa/moneywort/L. Brevipes forest hidden behind the hygro on the left. My Sailfin pleco has destroyed almost all of my stargrass. :(

looks like a very health jungle there JC. so when are u moving up to highlight with the rest of us crazy people. u seem to have the low light nailed. and when are u going to change that luvly blue gravel lol
Jchillin said:
My Sailfin pleco has destroyed almost all of my stargrass. :(

I hear you there. My pleco is just way too big. Destroys just about everything. Going to have to get rid of him before I redo my tank. Then maybe get something smaller like a Gold Nugget Pleco.
BBA is a real pain to get rid of once you get it. Green water is easy compared to this crap. CO2 is a definite help in getting rid of it. I hear Excel will help kill it off, but it still takes a long time. I have had it in my ten for a month now, and it's getting worse. Did a three day blackout, hardly put a dent in it. Came right back. Cut the lights back, scrubbed the tank, ended up removing most of the worst effected plants. Doubled up on water changes and dosing regime, tank is starting to look good again. It's my first encounter with BBA, I'm just learning how to get rid of it. After two weeks, I'm just now starting to keep it at bay. I got it by not dosing the tank for thre first month and a half. I had great growth, just let the ferts bottom out, NO3 in particular. Know better now.
Thanks Glen, sounds encouraging. I actually did worse than letting the ferts (NO3) bottom out. I have reason to believe I screwed up my KNO3 dry mix and have been dosing warm water. :shock:

MrFunktastic said:
when are u going to change that luvly blue gravel

Blue gravel??? Where???

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