infusoria culture with worms

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 31, 2005
muncie, IN
I was checking my infusoria (paramecium) culture and I saw dozens of tiny white worm looking things. :?
What it could be? I been using water from my fish tank as a medium for the paramecium and baby powder milk as food.
Planaria. I do not know how they will impact your infusoria but they might prevent a good crop.
there is a third thing in the paramecium looks like a paramecium with 2 legs but it is twice bigger than a paramecium and moves really fast. what it could be?
These might be cyclops, which can culture out in a paramecium culture, but they are said to be dangerous to fry. Don't have experience with them myself. I'd hesitate with them in there.
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