Aquarium Advice Freak
A friend of a friend of a friend is going to give me a 55 - 75g tank (not sure what it is, i haven't seen it yet) and I was going to ask for some ideas on what to put it in. My only goal is to keep the cost EXTREMELY low, meaning, only adding fish. No plants unless they can survive with stock lighting.
In my past I've kept Oscars, tetras, loaches, bolivian rams, german blue rams, plecos and maybe some other odds and ends.
The tank will be in my dorm room alongside my current 10g planted (see sig)
I'm open to anything, maybe filling it with just 100,000,000 tetras, or 2 peacock bass, or i was thinking about getting into Apistos? They seem really interesting.
Your thoughts?
In my past I've kept Oscars, tetras, loaches, bolivian rams, german blue rams, plecos and maybe some other odds and ends.
The tank will be in my dorm room alongside my current 10g planted (see sig)
I'm open to anything, maybe filling it with just 100,000,000 tetras, or 2 peacock bass, or i was thinking about getting into Apistos? They seem really interesting.
Your thoughts?