Injured gourami

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The Trooper

Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 15, 2013
I have a few gouramis in my tank and one of them i noticed this morning was look a little peachy, staying at the top of the tank (not gasping) and generally keeping out of everyones way.

Upon closer inspection i've noticed that one of her 'feelers' (?) and fins are torn to shreds and very red.

The fin that is damaged is the one next to the feeler and she doesn't seem to be using it, her other fin is moving as she swims but this one is clamped against her body. All over fish look ok, it's just her.

Will it just take time? Should i isolate her in a breeder box? I do not have a hospital tank.

Thanks in advance for any help. (y)
Isolate her and treat her with something that promotes growth, like melafix/stress coat. When I first got my female gourami my male harassed her and tore her fins to shreds and ripped one of her feelers off. I isolated her so she wasn't stressed and treated her.
I don't really have a means of doing that, second to using a breeding box that floats in the tank, would that suffice?
The breeder box should work fine. I wouldn't worry about medicating it unless it gets infected. Depending on how much of the feeler was taken off, it should grow out again. If not, then that's OK too. It happens quite often with gouramis. Any idea how the injury happened?
She's eating tonight so i don't think isolation is needed, i think it was my dwarf gourami that done it, is it worth isolating the dwarf?
She should be OK, as long as they don't bother her again. I'll leave isolation up to your discretion. Hopefully they were just establishing dominance roles. :)
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