Injured silver dollar?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 9, 2008
We have a 2-year old silver dollar who has a mysterious large lump on his side. He has always been healthy and active until a week ago when he stopped eating. This went on for a few days. He started eating again, but the other morning a huge lump (with a few small dents next to it) on the side of his body appeared. We thought maybe he just swam into something and got injured since he's a bit skiddish. The next day though, clumpy gray matter started falling out of a tiny hole that developed on the lump. Today, the oozing has stopped but now there are two tiny holes on the lump. Attached are some pictures. We do not have any new fish, our tank conditions are fine and all of our other fish are behaving normally. Even the silver dollar does not seem phased by his injury and is eating and moving around like he used to. Does anyone know what this might be and if it will go away without some kind of treatment? Thanks in advance for any advice. Picture 002.jpg

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