is black water good for oscar?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 7, 2012
Read a artcle bout black water and popularity of it to aquarist. Checked even some pics are some of them in water refers water which have tanic acid and color like tea leaf.some time newly added bogwood made this effect naturally.heared that indian almond leaves are used to make this effect alternately and these leaves are beneficial for fish coz it have some medical effect. It lookz cool too. Now my question is that do oscar like this kind of environment? Is this tanin can harm them?


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An oscar would eat the fish you already have in the tank. I wouldnt know about black water being bad for them though.

*EDIT* Ignore that ^
Sorry actually I forget to mention these are not my tank.I attach here just as an example so that I can get detail from u guys. And I start keeping oscars since 1year.will attach my tank's pic too. Oscars only eat those fish who fit in their the way thanks
Any info guys regarding oscar's compatiability in black water?
Oscars don't come from blackwater environments, the pH would actually be a bit too low for them in a traditional blackwater set up. Adding wood that is not seasoned can leech tannins for a while and cause the water to darken, but depending on your pH from the tap the tannic acid wouldn't lower your ph enough to be considered a true blackwater set up. From my understanding you need an RO unit to achieve the right PH range for a black water set up.
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