Is heighth a problem for canisters?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 5, 2003
Southern California
I want to mount my canister filter around 5.5-6 feet below the high water in my 120 G tank. The fluval 404 instructions tell you not to mount it more than 4.5 feet below the highest water. None of the other brands even mention this factor. Does anybody have experience with this type of setup?

Please help.

The pumps used in cannister folters are not pressure rated pumps and probably will not pump at 6 ft of head, if they do it will considerably shorten the life of the pump.
Is there any way that you can build a little platform for the pump to sit on to give it some more height?
Yes, but that would still leave it at about 5 feet. I've been looking around and think I have decided to go with a wet/dry. Then I can get a pump I know will work.
Any advice on the best setup for this?

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