Is it algae?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 29, 2005
Ontario, Canada

I think ym aquarium needs to be cleaned out, because there is a brownish substance growing on the walls that I'd like to get rid of it. Is it algae?

Also, I don't know how to clean to gravel. I don't have a vaccum, so should I just take all the gravel out and rince it off?
Thanks in advance for your help,

It is diatoms. I'd get a gravel vac, that is going to be the easiest way to clean the gravel. Otherwise you are going to kick up alot of debris into the water when you remove the gravel. Also, you should be doing a gravel vac at each water change anyways.
yeah , you definitely don't want to take the gravel out, that would just make a huge mess. You want to get a gravel vac, you can get one for less than $10 at Walmart... or you could shell out the cash for a python.. totally worth it. Anyway, to get rid of the brown algae, you can just wipe it off the glass, or you can get some oto's (otocinclis catfish) they eat brown algae or diatoms. HTH
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