Is live rock still good after its been dried out for a long period of time??

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 22, 2010

I am new to this website. I know a little about saltwater aquariums but not so much on live rock. My question is, Is live rock still good after its been dried out for a long period of time?? My parents have divorced and my dad kept the 120 gl aquarium. it was always kept up with until this past summer when they seperated. He now wants to do something with the tank and the live rock dried out. Is is dead for good or what could i do to try and revive it??

it needs to be cured again i believe? if your cycling a new tank you can just drop it right in though but im sure all the helpful bacteria is dead on it
i'm thinking so also... he never took it out of the tank. it just stayed in the tank. it had live sand in it too. how long does the cycling take?? a month or so??
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