is my betta normal?

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It's very hard to tell from the picture! He looks normal to me. Try Googling images of bettas and see if he looks like the others.
He looks overfed, i had one i overfed it was a double tail he got swim bladder and died in a few weeks. They say there stomach is the size of their eyeball. But as for his head it looks normal.
If he doesn't have swim bladder disease yet he is on his way to the grave.
Yep once you turn the light on if he is awake feed if not let him wake up. Remember their stomach is the size of their eyeball. It's never necessary to feed more than once a day, you can skip a day if so desired.
Derekkaine said:
Yep once you turn the light on if he is awake feed if not let him wake up. Remember their stomach is the size of their eyeball. It's never necessary to feed more than once a day, you can skip a day if so desired.

You can try feed him a blanched, deshelled, crushed pea and fast him for a couple of days. Try not to over feed him.
i always fed mine a little more every other day it will be fine just back off on the food until he is smaller keep feeding him just not that much
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