Is my cory carrying eggs?

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Females are always wider than the males. When she gets rounder then I would say she is loaded with eggs. To get mine to spawn I feed them heavily for a few days then do a massive water change with around 10 degrees cooler water and that triggers them to spawn. By the next day they are splattering eggs all over the glass.
She never used to be this big! Ok maybe i should give that a try thanks.
This is how I hatch my eggs. A hang on breeder box with some guppy grass and/or hornwort in it. I throw in a couple cherry shrimp to keep the eggs clean. They can't eat the good eggs. Once they hatch and get big enough I move them to a grow out tank.ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1391366905.747152.jpg
Im new to this really. R the eggs fertilised then?
Once the eggs are laid on the glass they are fertilized. I usually wait an hour until I remove them. If they turn white, they aren't good
Ok thanks. Nothing has happened as of yet how will i know when shes going to lay? I dont have a breading tank or anything, what do you suggest? X
She is still fat lol (i think shes a she) ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396559150.111858.jpg what do u think now? Been a while and nothing has happend
How do i find out what parasite it is and how to treat? X
Lots of research! (Sorry)

Normally it is quicker to administer a treatment, learn as you go.

Internal parasites are dealt with by a few off the shelf type treatments, they are normally broad ranging and knock out a few types of pathogen.

You'll get a general parasite treatment an internal bacteria treatment and a worms specific for internal disease, external ailments similar.

Looking at the picture (post #10) I would guess cavity worms, however, I had a Cory up to and over Christmas who had a similar lopsided lump, I tried everything I could find and I ended up "doing the right thing" in the early part of this year. (She was old, could have been a tumour? I didn't dissect her)

Normally new fish I treat as a matter of course for everything then I know what it isn't.

If you use meds, read the instructions closely and follow to the letter. I use water life sterazin for worms and API internal parasites/bacteria for most if not all of my internal issues.
Ok i will have a look around to see what i can find. Thank you so much for your help. She seems pretty happy always cleaning the glass gravel etc so i will give her a chance :) i will keep you updated.

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