Is my Parrot Fish sick?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 8, 2004
Naperville, IL
I have had this Parrot Fish for over a year now and it is starting to get blackish/brownish spots on its body. I cannot tell what exactly it is. I recently placed a fake ornamental log which he likes to hide under. I don't think anything would have rubbed off though. All other fish in the tank are doing fine.

Here is a picture. Also, it looks like his eyes have black around them too, but I'm not sure if he was like this before or not. Parrot1.jpg
It looks fine to me. Is the fish behaving different? Is it still eating?
The fish is acting normal, but the black spots on his scales have only recently appeared. He did not have those previously.
Well I've got some standard advice for anytime something doesn't appear quite a partial water change. You can't treat something by guessing. As long as the fish is active and eating, I wouldn't be overly concerned.
[center:5e9c9b568b] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, pmnovak1! :n00b: [/center:5e9c9b568b]

Cichlids get that coloration and I have not heard a perfect answer yet. What you you feeding it?
My two large parrots (and one smaller) go through lots of color changes. They are quite strange in this regard as well. I'd do the water change and check your water parameters, but I wouldn't worry too much.
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