It was bad...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 21, 2011
California Coastline
This doesn't really pretain to here, since it was my fault for killing the fish, but still...I'm really sad and mad at myself for killing all my fish.

So I went to the LFS to resupply on my decholrinator and get some sand as well as some live plants, and the guy working reccomended this stuff, called Easy-Life Fluid Filter Medium. I wasn't sure, but then I was like, "Oh, why not?" Mistake Number One, never listen to the guy at the fish store.
So I went home, followed, the instructions (shake for thrity seconds) and then put it in the tank. It said that it would clear water and make the fish look healthy. It certainly did a poor job. The water got foggy the second I put it in. After thirty minutes and it didn't go away, I did a HUGE water change, I was afraid I was going to kill them. I did about 90%, and added the water in slowly. But my fish couldn't do it. Too much ammonia from the tap water and not enough conditioner, because I didn't want the water to be cloudy. Mistake Number Two, regardless if clouds the water, ammonia, chlorine and chloramine is toxic to fish and you have to detoxify it. I ended up killing all my schools of tetras, my dwarf neon rainbowfish, a corydora and two of my dwarf gouramis. All gone. The only fish that survived was one lone female dwarf gourami, four cories, and all three rams, which I find quite ironic, because they're supposed to be super sensitive to massive water changes.

Well, at least adding the sand in wasn't a disaster. I seperated the sand and gravel with rocks, and added in my live plants.

Even now, my tank is STILL foggy. Even the sunlight coming through the WINDOW can't penetrate it. So yes, this is my fault. I'm mad and sad at the same time, you can't even see the fish half the time.
Has anyone ever used Fluid Filter Medium, Ultimate Water Conditioner? How did it go for you?
It happens ... Sorry to hear about your fish:(. Hopefully with enough PWC's and time, the foggy / cloudiness'll go away. Keep plugging away and use it as a learning experience.
Sorry for your losses. I've never heard of that particular product. Based on my experiences, the only thing I will use to condition water is Prime. I've found that the bacteria in a bottle products, water clarifiers, etc. tend to do more harm than good. Take a cup of water and look at it in front of a light. If the cloudiness appears white, leave it be for a few days as it is likely a bacteria cloud which will settle in time and aid in your tank cycle establishing.
Thanks HN1 and jcolon, it's really appreciated. :)
So I looked at it through a light and...well it came out crystal clear, do you think it's a possible bacterial cloud?
That sounds so upsetting! Im very sorry for your loss... I agree with HN1, Prime is one of the best water conditioners there is.
I know, I saw the Prime, and was going to get it, but then the guy is like "No don't get that! This is better." Oh I'm so mad right now!
yeah, most guys at pet stores cant be trusted. i learned that the hard way too. i used to use a product called tetra easybalance. actually, it wasnt even a conditioner. so most of my fish died...
Oh wow...I'm sorry! The only person I can trust at my LFS is the guy who gives me discounts all the time, and he actually keeps a fish tank! Otherwise everyone is just out for the money I guess...

Well, I guess we have to look at this as an opportunity. As the old Japanese or Chinese proverb goes, "One man's tragedy is another man's opportunity." I guess I could look at it like this: I could get new fish in two weeks or so. :)
you may want to tell the idiot at the fish shop what happend just so he doesnt recomend that product to anyone else. Really sorry about your loss. :(
bruinsbro1997 said:
Oh wow...I'm sorry! The only person I can trust at my LFS is the guy who gives me discounts all the time, and he actually keeps a fish tank! Otherwise everyone is just out for the money I guess...

Well, I guess we have to look at this as an opportunity. As the old Japanese or Chinese proverb goes, "One man's tragedy is another man's opportunity." I guess I could look at it like this: I could get new fish in two weeks or so. :)

I would go back and flip out on him..I would be majorly upset if he killed my fish. But thats just me.
I'm not someone that likes to get angry at people, sorry its not me. I'm sad but I'm not gonna go scream at the guy or tell him he's doing it wrong, rather I'll just choose to ignore his advice next time...
Oh, wow! I didnt know it was that much. A friend of mine told me about a gy who sells amazing mollies cheap, if your interested i could see who he is and stuff...
Thanks for the offer waffles, i really appreciate it, but I've already kept mollies, and frankly, IMO, their not worth the trouble. Just my opinion. But thanks for the offer!
Yeah IKR. Neons are two dollars each, I had ten, twenty dollars. Honey gouramis are five dollars each, ten dollars. Cories are also five dollars each, five dollars. Neon dwarf rainbows are five dollars each, twenty dollars. Black neons are two dollars each, six dollars, and glowlights are two dollars each, eight dollars. 20+10+5+20+6+8=69, plus tax.
Going off on the guy wouldn't do any good either as they can always find some excuse why you were at fault. Depending on who you can talk to and maybe trust on some level, I would let the store know. An ethical employee will hopefully avoid recommending the product or an ethical manager might return the stock and order something else.

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