Java Moss

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 28, 2003
Texas USA
I went to the LFS to look around for some plants and since they didn't have any java moss in the the selling tanks, I asked them if they could trim off some from their show tank, they said they could and gave me quite a big piece for only 3.99. Problem now is that I don't know where to put it in my 10 gallon, I have a piece of driftwood, but I put my lil java ferns on it. Should I take off the java ferns and put the moss on or just leave the moss floating? Or if you have any other suggestions, it would be appreciated.
I put mine in the foreground and used a few rocks from the substrate to weigh it down. Within a few weeks it attached to the substrate. As it has grown I have repeated the process... pushing the new growth closer to the back of the tank. At this point I've got a nice Java moss carpet over most of the bottom of my (10 gallon) tank.
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