johanni looking a little funny

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Dreamingdragon said:
Yep same here nexst month I move out this apt. Too small for this household so we go bigger. And so are the tanks 10g 29g and 55g I bought a few weeks ago the 55g now my wife wants 125 from the tax monney. Lucky me. More fish keeping. Ooooh joy. More shopping too do and more exstention cords. And all that comes with it lol 2 dogs 2 kids bunch of fry kids me and my wife hahahaha. Back braking. We start too pack already

I hear ya! Bought my house because I thought it had the perfect wall for my 125

Also got a 29g set up, custom 4`x6` ball python enclosure, 3 cats, dog, wife, and kid. The fish are the best though, they don't talk back.
or spit prematurely. not such a wise move... its best to put them in the net if you can see fry in their mouths just in case xx
WOOOHOOOO!!!! we got babies over here people!!

It looks like she spit out about 10-15 of them. But when I started taking pictures she started to try & pluck them all back up.


Do I leave her in the breeder net with them, or try to take her out & leave them in??

How long do I leave her / them in the breeder net?? I have no room for a small tank so I don't have many options :(

Do I feed the fry anything?? Should I try & feed the Johanni now that she's dropped them??

I really wanna keep them alive so all help would be GREATLY appreciated!!

Here's a quick shot


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Congrats Ronnie!!! I think you want to crus some flakes and feed them. I havent had this experience yet so I'll wait to hear what others say but you may want to feed mom a bit before adding her back in to gain her strength.

BTW I'll be up in CT in 2 weeks if you need to unload some juvies ;)
Gotcha. Thanks Craig!

Still need to know how long she stays in..?? Anybody opinions??

& how long is it ok to keep the fry in the breeder net??

I plan on selling them to a local lfs if they're anything cool .. if not, i'll give them away to friends.

& of course you can grab some if I don't sell 'em C-Mac .. I'll keep you posted on how they do
Ronnie do you still have her in the breeder net? Just going from what I have read on these forums, some people add the mom right back to the main tank but others give her a couple days of eating again to regain strength. I think most go by their own judgement based on if she looks/seems weak.

As far as the fry going back in the main tank, if you want to keep them then it's a matter of letting them grow to a size that they can't be a meal. Since I think most of your fish are on the small side, I'd say when they are close to 3/4" they should be good to go.
She is still in the breeder. I can't seem to get her to spit them out long enough to get her out without them.

I put some crushed flakes in & they look to be gone so hopefully the fry ate.

Hopefully I can seperate her soon. She definitely doesnt seem weak so fingers crossed if I throw her back in she'll be fine.
I let the mom with the fry for a week or so depending on how shes doing.
Remember feed but dont overfeed her!

The fry mostly will not eat right away. Give it a day or 2 then you can give them crushed up foods.
Fready said:
I let the mom with the fry for a week or so depending on how shes doing.
Remember feed but dont overfeed her!

The fry mostly will not eat right away. Give it a day or 2 then you can give them crushed up foods.

Awesome! Thanks Fready!!!

My NLS pellets seem to turn into dust after the fish eat them. I guess they're just expelling some when they chew it up. The NLS dust / particles usually float to the top but some have stuck to the breeder nets. Maybe that will feed the fry too...??

I'm gonna put 2 NLS pellets in the net for mom, even though she sucked all the fry back up again & has no room for grub at the moment.

I wish I could set up a 5-10gal for the fry & moms but we just dont have room anywhere.. Nor do we have any extra outlets :(

Since this is my first time with fry, any additional links or info would be beyond helpful / appreciated!!!

I wish I could set up a 5-10gal for the fry & moms but we just dont have room anywhere.. Nor do we have any extra outlets :(

This can be a dilemma. There will come a time when 15 mbuna fry will not be able to remain in a breeder net, yet they will be too small to be introduced into the main tank.
I woudnt put food in there if its not eaten in say 15min. Your just polluting the water.
In a couple of days she wont take them back much anymore.

How big is your tank? I made a large breeder net the width of my tank.

They might eat the dust but wouldnt count on it. If its a breeder net like mine its just stuck to it and not realy going thru

**** i wana try nls so bad but i cant buy it in belgium. Have to order some online but who knows what theyve done with it (paranoid lol)
Oh wait i have an idea i'm gona open my window and you throw me some as hard as you can!
kay-bee19 said:
This can be a dilemma. There will come a time when 15 mbuna fry will not be able to remain in a breeder net, yet they will be too small to be introduced into the main tank.

Yeah, I figured that. My Venustus, though quite docile, is huge. & I would guess him, or my other 2 good sized ones would eat the fryskis.

I plan on selling them to a local LFS so maybe he'll buy them young.... maybe not

Possible solution: I was planning on getting one of the fluval 6gal nano tanks for my betta anyway sooo I guess I should just get it & put the bambinos in there until they're sellable... ??

Ugh!! If only I had room to set up my 10 :(
There is always room for a fish tank!!! :D
you could bolt some brackets to the wall put a wooden plate on it and on the tank goes! :p
Fready said:
I woudnt put food in there if its not eaten in say 15min. Your just polluting the water.
In a couple of days she wont take them back much anymore.

How big is your tank? I made a large breeder net the width of my tank.

They might eat the dust but wouldnt count on it. If its a breeder net like mine its just stuck to it and not realy going thru

**** i wana try nls so bad but i cant buy it in belgium. Have to order some online but who knows what theyve done with it (paranoid lol)
Oh wait i have an idea i'm gona open my window and you throw me some as hard as you can!

Thanks again Freadster!! I'll probably hold off on feeding them until I see she's spitting them more than not. Who knows though lol I always get antsy, as if my paternal instincts kick in haha

& NLS seems to work good for size & color. I feed a mix of mainly that & some Hikari gold & all my africans POP!! & they've all grown at a good pace, almost too fast lol

& if I didn't have 2 torn shoulders I'd give tossing it out the window a shot lol
Fready said:
There is always room for a fish tank!!! :D
you could bolt some brackets to the wall put a wooden plate on it and on the tank goes! :p

Our walls are made up of whats called 'spider plaster' & its basically cement dust held up by a thin layer of 150 year old sheetrock material LOL

I could barely hang our pictures haha

This place is BEAT!!! We want the downstairs apt but the old lady living downstairs is 91 & healthier than I am, so I doubt she's going first LOL
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