Just a few regular pictures

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 11, 2003
Leytonstone, London
I have taken a few pictures of my tank and other things for this forum. Most are scattered around the place so I thought I might as well post them all here. Like the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words

My first picture

after listening to advice I made changes including a second air uplift and driftwood for the bristlenose pleco that was gnawing away at my ship

had a chat with someone about baby guppies

someone wanted to know about worm feeders

someone wanted to know about gravel cleaners
Nice pics Gman: I'm still jealous about all those lovely cardinals!

Btw, thanx for posting the feeder. Is it all plastic? And can you send me a closeup? I'd like to make one if I can (can't find one at the lfs, and I hate the mess frozen bloodworm makes when I just dump it into the tank).

I will take some guppy fry off your hands. LOL I have some dragon, and red-fire mix. What color are they though? Ben
I will not bother making one, Allivymar, as they are cheap but invaluable when it come to feeding the fishes frozen live food. When you come to London for Xmas I will try and get one to you. Many of us novices here owe you a bit for your kind advice and it is the least any of us can do LOL.

As for the cardinals, they look good but I they are vicious when it came to 3 baby guppies that … another story...

Ben, they are red fantail guppies. Nice fishes but i do not know "dragon, and red-fire mix" so do not know about compatibility. Otherwise how many do you want, i have added an airstone to the container to keep the water in the container circulated
I'll take two females, and a male. If too young, I'll take six. How we gonna get them here? LOL I am in Milwaukee, WI 53207.
hey i fallowed the dirctions on mine that i bought but i can not get any more than a trickel out of my geravel vacuum. how in the hell do you get more to come out of it??? if this is all that you get out of it how do you possibily suck anything but water, wouldn't even pick up and suck a fresh fish dropping.
LMAO! Got my first good laugh of the day. What you do is use a spare bucket, have it about a foot lower then the tank. Take the other end of the siphon, and place it in the bucket, Take the siphon, lay it sideways in your tank, and move it back and forth, till you get water flow in it. If that don't work, suck water out of the other in, with your mouth or a turkey baster. The turkey baster worked pretty good for me, till I got used to the suction part. Oh, take the turkey baster, and attach it to the little end of the siphon. Then,of course, pump the baster till water comes through. Good Luck. Ben
Ben, Milwaukee, WI 53207, is not far from Leytonstone, London E11, LOL. Problem is; by the time you get them, they would be adults.

Ostrich, make sure that the pipe and valve is clear. Then like Ben said, make sure the bucket and the end of the hose is below the water level in the tank. Stick the vac end into tank and shake it to get water into the hose. You may have to suck the other end of the hose, but in anycase, getwater into the hose completely then hold your thumb over the end to prevent it flowing back into the tank and lower the hose end into the bucket. Bucket and hose end must be below the water level of the tank.

The water will pour out of the hose into the bucket and drag more water with it, thus draining your tank. It is the law. Law of physics. Keep thumb over hose end and close hose end when bucket is full. Practice in bathtub first to prevent a mess.

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