Just bought this. Stay tuned...

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Readingexcalibur said:
I am just worried about flow rate behind the rock. Is there any hidden openings i am not seeing. Looks like a breeding ground for deitruis and other crazy algae. Just my 2 cents. Which, consequently I should be charging around 4 cents do to inflation within the aquarist community. Ugh.... Random, I know.

Haha good one. I'll pay the 4cents! Where do I mail it? Wait it's gonna cost me more to send it! Hmmmm... We'll figure it out lol.

Anyway. Back on track but that was funny. I'm thinking about adding my small koralia 240 that should do the trick. I'll aim it towards the back of the rights to give a circular movement.
Lol, yeah, that sound like a solid plan. Another question, and i know this isn't your first rodeo so please feel free to slap me via AA, haha. Have you done research to see what pumps transfer the most heat into the water? For example, I feel my hydors can get a little warm. 8 gallons of water can change real quick.
Readingexcalibur said:
Lol, yeah, that sound like a solid plan. Another question, and i know this isn't your first rodeo so please feel free to slap me via AA, haha. Have you done research to see what pumps transfer the most heat into the water? For example, I feel my hydors can get a little warm. 8 gallons of water can change real quick.

Yes I have. The koralia is suppose to produce less heat. But you be sure I'll be watching. No heater and AC on 77 and tank temp is reading just about 78. So if the power head is too much because motor is on the wet side I may look into upgrading the pump. I will be contacting the company. I bought the wave maker for that particular tank and it will make a nice paper weight. Total garbage. If anyone is thinking of these tanks DON'T waste your money on the IM wave maker, it's junk! Produces less flow and gets stuck ALOT.

So it's still a work on progress. Once I'm happy with flow,temp and lights then I'll move to the next steps.

I'm looking into different lights and like a mentioned. I'm gonna play worth the flow and watch the temp before adding anything.
The only thing that bothers me is I was going for that sleek clean low pro look. Now I have this what looks like a giant power head in this 8 gallon tank. Not sure I like the look. I'm conducting some flow tests with flake and pellet food.

So far IMO the 240 appears too big in this tiny tank taking away the sleekness of the whole tank. Temp is almost 80 now, and it also appears too powerful. I've tried 3 different positions but I'm also limited where it can go due to the size of the tank. It has kicked all the sand from behind the bottom rock.

It's off for now but still in place. Not sure I'm gonna use it.

Anybody have a heater suggestions? Or do you not need one? Like I said AC is on 77 ambient room temp 72 and tank temp is reading now at 78. Doesn't seem like a heater is needed at the moment.
So happy for you that you finally got your tank setup been following this for awhile now lol. Tank looks great and cant wait to see pics of it fully stocked :D
Shoei said:
So happy for you that you finally got your tank setup been following this for awhile now lol. Tank looks great and cant wait to see pics of it fully stocked :D

Tanks!!! lol

Can't wait for it to cycle and then I'm designing a kind of mushroom waterfall. Live stock is still up in the air but I'm REALLY liking the prawn fire goby.
A heater isn't required if your tank temp is 80 or below. You can hit 83ish on a high side, but I wouldn't stay there for long. I live in sunny las Vegas and trust me, my AC is on all the time. I do not feel the need to use a heater.

On the flip side, don't let it go below 74-75 as I found a lot of corals do not care for this (with the exception of some mushrooms).

May have to get a PH with a dry style motor. MP units maybe (200$). If you move the rocks out from the wall a bit. You may get away without it and let the filter do the work.
Readingexcalibur said:
A heater isn't required if your tank temp is 80 or below. You can hit 83ish on a high side, but I wouldn't stay there for long. I live in sunny las Vegas and trust me, my AC is on all the time. I do not feel the need to use a heater.

On the flip side, don't let it go below 74-75 as I found a lot of corals do not care for this (with the exception of some mushrooms).

May have to get a PH with a dry style motor. MP units maybe (200$). If you move the rocks out from the wall a bit. You may get away without it and let the filter do the work.

I'm one step ahead ;)

Moved the bottom rock further away and have the top rock kind of leaning but it's very secure against the back. Did another flow test and I'm getting debris to go around the rocks now.

So it's looking good and were still at about 78 so I'm gonna hold off on putting the heater in. What's neat is they give you a little slot for a heater which is nice.
Haha TANKS! I think? lol.

So.... I know I'm overboard most always ;)

What's your thoughts on this?


I'm just not really happy with the stock light because I'm more into the blue tint and this is more white unless I unplug the whites which I don't think I can do because of corals. So I'm searching for a light. And came across this from the same company. And you can dim it!!

I think it called my house! Just saying I think it did :)
Just checked the temp has dropped a few degrees. It's reading 74-75 from 78 earlier. AC is off in the leaving room too. So....

Anybody have suggestions for a heater? Also checked my salinity an for some reason it dropped to 1.014 I fixed it and now it's reading 1.025. I wanna see if it holds. Do you think it has anything to do with open top? Or maybe I just go it wrong the first time which is weird because I use the same water for my BC29. Same guy I always get it from unless he was off.


Never mind. The salinity issue was most likely my doing. I did the leak test and didn't drain all the distilled water outta the tank when I added the saltwater. I most likely diluted it. Anyhow it's good now. I like to keep my levels at 1.026. I'll recheck in the morning.

Incase you wondering I use the digital refracto from Milwaukee. I also calibrate after each use per instructions and company tech. Calibrate to read 1.000.
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