Aquarium Advice FINatic
Gallon tank, sump fish rock stand etc... The whole **** jam!!!! Friend of mine no longer has time and wants it to have a good home... Looks like 2013 it a big year for my fish & I!!!
And now we all hate you... Lol that's awesome dude wish I was that lucky haha
Thanks, he's got the skimmer and a phosphate reactor... EVERYTHING is included!!!! Man I feel extremely lucky!!!!
I demand pictures.
And yes, i hate you. ._.
LOL thanks... Here's one of the tank with just the rock. I'll see if he'll take a few more. I plan on starting a new thread once the move day actually begins. I'm hoping this will be the 1st week of 2013
Will you be doing a reef?
Yes that's my attempt. I've got Zoas, star polyps, pipe organs mushrooms in my tank now along with my fish and a purple finger anemone. In a 55 I've been running for a couple of years. My only concern is where I'm going to place the livestock that's comes along with it. I can't possibly take the tank full of water. I plan on cleaning the equipment once it gets here ( I.E. wiping things down and performing basic tank maintenance). I realize that keeping the sand the live rock in it is to my benefit, but adding 130 gallons is like doing a 100% water change LOL!!!! I'll prolly just acclimate them into my 55 cause I'm sure it'll take me a few days to a week to get the other tank and equipment up and running
As long as you have the live rock and sand and maybe save some filter media, you should be ok. Just make sure you mix up the new water thoroughly and heat it so the temperature is right. Also, transport the rock in salt water and maintain temperature, you shouldn't have much die off. I once moved a 120g FO from NY to VA Beach in 48 hours (including livestock) with zero losses. Had to mix 120 gallons of water to set up. It's a lot of work but can be done.
Thanks for the encouraging words!! So, it's very possible I could move these guys within a day and have them right back in their tank? My only problem is I'm limited to 25 GPD on my ro/ri. I guess I may have to buy some ro/ri from the store when mixing the water. I'll buy some ahead if time and let it sit where the tank will be to make sure it's the same temp.