just happy . . . and had to gush a bit . . .

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 19, 2003
Laurel, MD
I had my belated bday celebration today, and one person gave me fish!!! It was SUPER exciting. :)!:) I've been planning on doing a SE Asia tank as I have tiger barbs, a pair of gouramis, glass cats, a danio, plus kuhli loaches and a clown loach so I already tend to favor fish from that area. I want to snazz up my lighting and CO2 and then decorate according to that theme. So, today, before the celebration, I wrote a list of equipment, fish, and plants I wanted to get. Well, when I'm unveiling my gifts, lo and behold, one bag holds a bag with a pair of little golden gouramis! It was like the person who gave them to me had read my mind. It was just really cool that right as I was finalizing plans, I got the gouramis and . . . I don't know . . . it just seemed fated. I was so excited I had to talk about it it; sorry! :D It's very simple but I'm just bubbling and had to get it out of my system. I know this can't compare with frags or bubble corals or new 180 gallon tanks or anything, but you know, when you're happy, you're happy!
Who says it doesn't compare to frags or new large tanks? Hrmph. I'm as excited about getting ghost shrimp as I am about all my cichlids.

*grin* and happy belated!
happy belated anytime someone knows you well enough to nail that special gift it is a wonderful thing for the giver too!!! congrats!
It may not be a 180gal tank, but when someone knows and loves you enough to take that kind of chance, and nails it, it doesn't really matter what it was. You can just imagine that person at the LFS, forefingernail and thumbnail in teeth, eyes shifting left, and right, should I? shouldn't I? It is just the coolest!
Thanks guys, you're so right. :mrgreen: True story of love: my sister, who pretty much despises animals, gave me a gerbil for my birthday last year. (He's still alive and kicking!) If I ever get upset with her or anything, I go look at the "warm fuzzy" and the hard feelings really just melt away. :roll: Am I a sap or what! :D Ah, but I am a HAPPY sap. Life is pretty good!
LOL Yes, you're a sap. You're also really funny!

Did you really name him warm fuzzy? LOL If not, maybe its time for a name change ;)
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