Just woundering

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 13, 2003
I have seen allot of pics on the web of 5 gallon and 2.5 gallon reef tanks. Since these are so tiny would you only need like a 20 watt bub? Cause on a 2.5 gallon that would be like 8 watts per gallon. Does it work like that or do you still need more lighting to get a higher spectrum?

The goal is to simulate the proper spectrum by using either 1 50/50 lamp or a separate actinic and daylight bulb. The Coralife mini Aqualight would be perfect for a nano.
Keep in mind that the type of light is important. Some lights like CF or MH are far better because they are intense enough to provide proper penetration into the water. You do not get that with a standard NO or incadescent bulb.
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