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I have a 20 Gal. tank freshwater and going to get a new 30 Gal. tank in December.

Its a community tank, i got 4 Guppies, 1 black molly, 2 black-gold mollies,
3 marbled mollies, 3 Tetras, 3 bloodfin tetras and 1 alge eater. don't know hes name, but they come pretty small and it takes a few years for them to grow over an inch. I had a rainbow shark that passed on and i am looking to get another one as soon as i get the new tank.

I have two live plants, a foxtail and cant remember the name of the other, but its one of those plants that grows anywhere you put it, even just floating around, you cut a piece off and they both grow. Right now its getting time to do some cutting, i love the way live plants add color to the aquarium.

In my new tank i am looking into getting some cichlids, they look great and have wonderful colors, but i need to do some research first, they tend to be aggressive, so i want to be ready for them.

Thats about it.
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