keep airstone/air bubbles on 24/7?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 26, 2005
chesapeake, va
i feel a little dimwit to ask this question, but i want to. i would like to know if any of you guys think it is necessary for me to keep my airstone (well, not exactly airstone, its some tube that makes wall bubbles) on for 24/7? i'd like to keep everything run and keep my electric bill low. :)

why do i have it? i guess it was for a decoration and i felt it may do some good for my guppies.
I've never heard of anybody turning on and off an air pump, but I suppose it could be done if you're worried about electricity. I wouldn't think that would burn much though. I've always kept one running 24/7 in with my goldies. They seem to like to play in the bubbles. Also, I was told it was likely the only thing that saved them when my ph bottomed out due to my complete lack of knowledge/testing.
medusaorange said:
i feel a little dimwit to ask this question, but i want to. i would like to know if any of you guys think it is necessary for me to keep my airstone (well, not exactly airstone, its some tube that makes wall bubbles) on for 24/7? i'd like to keep everything run and keep my electric bill low. :)

why do i have it? i guess it was for a decoration and i felt it may do some good for my guppies.
i only run my airstone at night, when the lights are off, but i have a planted tank... when i did not have a planted tank i ran it 24-7
Ok let's do some math .. air pump unless you have a massive one would not exceed 15W which really does not burn that electricity. My 500W computer 24/7 doesn't even take that much which is miles away from an airpump.
I run mine 24/7 in each planted problems (bubble walls in each)

And don't feel like a dimwit for asking.Often the keys to success or failure lie in the little details.....its always best to seek those little answers....assume nothing ime.
JDogg said:
i only run my airstone at night, when the lights are off, but i have a planted tank... when i did not have a planted tank i ran it 24-7

Is the air supposed to be bad for a planted tank? I only have 2 live plants in with my goldies, but I'm thinking of doing much more with the tropical tank I'll be setting up in a few weeks.
MurfQ said:
JDogg said:
i only run my airstone at night, when the lights are off, but i have a planted tank... when i did not have a planted tank i ran it 24-7

Is the air supposed to be bad for a planted tank? I only have 2 live plants in with my goldies, but I'm thinking of doing much more with the tropical tank I'll be setting up in a few weeks.

It is not bad for a planted tank. The reason it is not run during the day is because when you inject CO2, any surface agitation will gas off the CO2 you are trying so hard to get into your tank.
Arrrggghhhh...I should have noted the distinction rich mentions.

I have very low light,heavily planted tanks.No CO2 in either so no worries about air flow regardless of the time of day.
okay many thanks for the replies!! :) i was just wondering because i sure have so many stuff that are left on the electric for 24/7. lol.
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