Keeping Fish as a hobby

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 25, 2003
I just recently got reintroduced into this hobby and am really pumped. The other day my friend and i who is also in to fish were skateboarding down the street when i saw an amazing tank in somebodys window out of the corner of my eye. I told my friend and upon a closer look we realized it was probably one of the coolest home aquariums we have seen. We knocked on the door and told the man inside we couldnt help but notice his beautiful aquarium. He took us in and showed us his tank. It was a 72 gallon saltwater reef tank with clown fish, starfish and other amazing ones. it had sea animanies (dont know if its spelled right or not.) He gave us the stats and talked to us for awhile. we were complete and random kids he has never seen before in his house. This shows what a great hobby fish-keeping is and how pumped about it the people who practice it are. Im glad to be part of it.
and dont forget, it is addicting too! Glad to hear you have such enthusiasm.
Welcome to the boards.
wow. thats great. im new to the hobby and boards myself. i am really psyched as well. not sure i would be so courageous as to knock on the door, but id probably stand and stare for a while. but anyway, cool. welcome.
My 90 is visible from the sidewalk, I've seen a few people stop and look, but no one has knocked on the door, that would be cool!

I just recently got reintroduced into this hobby and am really pumped

Very cool, but just keep in mind, research first, then buy stuff. Good things don't happen quickly in this hobby, but disasters can happen in the blink of an eye! Take it slow, you'll be happier in the long run, and so will your fish.
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