keeping sand clean.....

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 28, 2003
east sussex-uk
does any one out there use sand?and if so have you got and good way of keeping sand clean as i wake every day to well how can i put it a sh*t tank i think sand is good to use but this problem is geting me down so if any one can help please do........thank you.............
If you have good water movement it will collect around plant bases which doesn't look so bad. Other than that vacuuming is the only way. and be sure to vacuum it well and stir it up atleast once a month.
I have sand, and I think it looks so nice. The fish love to dig in it, I love to watch them play.
As for the cleaning, the only way is to are always going to loose some throught the vaccum. I vaccum my water out into a 16L pail and then empty the water and let the sand in the bottom dry then add it back to the tank. Also I bought playground sand for $4 for a huge bag that is sterile for kids to play in. Alot cheaper than at the LFS and just as nice.
Heh I've sand too. Its black so the poo is even more visible. I vaccum it regularly (at least, the areas in the front where there are no plants). I use a small diameter siphon and just hover it over the sand. The detritus comes up, the sand pretty much stays.
Getting some digging fish (like some loaches) should also help. They also keep the sand from getting too compacted and going anaerobic.
ok thanx to all you nice peeps that have put up info for me nice one......i am going to get a vac to suck up the mess..but i have got 2 coolie loaches so that mite help..any way thanx again.....

steven. :)
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